The most important elements of a drive safety breathalyzer

The safest option is not to drive when you drink – and even when you’re not driving, drinking to excess is still risky.

A breathalyzer is a handheld device that monitors a user’s BAC. Professional breathalyzers are used by police officers to enforce alcohol- related offenses. Drive safety breathalyzers allow a user to monitor his or her own alcohol level before driving and help you make the responsible decision.

Even a little bit of alcohol can affect your ability to drive. Alcohol can affect your attention skills, perception, vision, and speed of reaction. All of these are important to your ability to drive safely.

Personal breathalyzers are designed to provide you with a BAC estimate. The accuracy of breathalyzers depends on the technology, quality and correct use of the device. Before purchasing a portable breathalyzer, it is important to research each model’s accuracy. Some breathalyzers operate using semiconductor sensors. For a personal breathalyzer that is more accurate, look for a model that uses fuel cell sensors.
View AT8030 Portable Breathalyzer(Fuel cell sensor technology)

Regardless of your situation, Breathalyzers offer an affordable, convenient, and highly reliable way to measure your BAC.


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