A Breathalyzer — The most convenient way to measure blood alcohol content

Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) refers to the amount of alcohol circulating in the bloodstream, and is the best estimate of the effects of alcohol on the brain. There are several ways of measuring or estimating blood alcohol content (BAC), These ways include breath test, blood test, urine test, and saliva test.

AT188 personal breathalyzer

The most convenient method is testing via breath using a breathalyzer, since it requires the subject only to breathe into the device. The most accurate method is testing blood, since it is directly measuring blood alcohol without any conversion necessary.

The Breath Test: The portability of this method makes it the most commonly used test and the one with which most people are familiar. A Breathalyzer is a handheld device and provides results quickly.

The Blood Test: Testing blood for alcohol saturation is the most accurate, however, it is also the most invasive. This method of alcohol testing can determine whether or not the person stayed within the legal limit or was intoxicated.

The Urine Test: Urine testing is actually less accurate than both breath and blood tests and the overall process is inconvenient, urine tests are usually only given if other tests are unavailable for some reason.


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