Time to change your personal breathalyzer accuracy

A breathalyzer is a device that is used to estimate a person’s blood alcohol concentration (most often referred to as BAC) by using a sample of their breath. This device is best used to help your friends and family members make responsible decisions after consuming alcohol.

AT8030 fuel-cell personal breathalyzer

There are numerous types of personal breathalyzer devices, Devices that use fuel-cell sensor generally cost more but are more accurate, while semiconductor devices cost less.

Semiconductor sensor devices are relatively inexpensive and are very popular as personal breathalyzers and for conducting professional low- volume testing. The more you use a semiconductor breathalyzer the shorter its lifespan and the more inaccurate it becomes.
View AT188 semiconductor personal breathalyzer.

Fuel-cell sensor devices are may be slightly more expensive than semiconductor devices, but they are more stable and durable in the long run, providing more precise BAC results over time.
View AT8030 fuel-cell pocket size alcohol tester.


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